Push Up Stand
- Buy Using Push Up Stand makes a great exercise to build chest, biceps, triceps and pectorals, but it’s also harmful for your wrists and joints.
- Maximise your push-ups without risking your joints and wrists with this pair of push-up bars as they give a natural grip position instead of bending your wrists at 90 degrees.
- The escalated feature helps in giving that extra stretch and increases your upper body’s strength while you work out.
- You can bring and use them wherever and whenever you need a good workout.
Push Up Stand
- 1 Pair of Push-Up Bars
- Light, compact one-piece design and portable
- Great for travel, work or at the gym
- Soft foam grips add comfort to your palms
- Easy to assemble
- Durable steel construction
- Non-skid base for better stability during workouts
- Keeps nose out of carpet when you do push-ups
- Allows greater range of motion & increases the intensity of your workout.
You Can Buy This Stand FromARGalleryBD.com