BST Smart Pump Controller
- When this device is connected to the pump, the overhead tank will automatically pump water to the tank when it runs out of water.
- The pump will shut off automatically when the overhead tank is full.
- The amount of water in the upper tank can be seen.
- Operating a water pump is quite a hassle, this device will operate the motor automatically.
- When this device is connected to the pump, the overhead tank will automatically pump water to the tank when it runs out of water.
- The pump will shut off automatically when the overhead tank is full.
- The amount of water in the upper tank can be seen.
- If there is no water in the reserve tank, it will signal automatically and the pump will turn off automatically.
- Since the device is fully automatic, no operator will be required to operate it, it will work automatically.
- Water wastage will reduce electricity wastage and your walls will have no chance of being dumped.
- Automatic will protect the pump from the possibility of damage to your pump due to having low voltage.
- Since the system works automatically, there is no need for a large tank to hold water, only one-fourth.
- Warranty: 2 Years Replacement Guarantee.